Space Battle 2022
This game runs on Stellar Wars (Williams 1979).
The code for this game is on GitHub here:
Installation Notes
Since developing this code, my libraries have changed and I no longer have access to a machine for testing. If you find any errors, please contact me through and I'll take a look.
This code requires an RPU board version 101 or greater (CPU interposer board). For information on building/ordering a board, there are schematics and Gerber files here:
Build an RPU board 101 or greater, get an Arduino MEGA 2560 Pro, and optionally get a WAV Trigger for audio.
Put all of the code here in a folder called SpaceBattle2022 and then build/load the code onto the Arduino MEGA 2560 Pro. The new code will boot automatically in the machine. Hold the Credit/Reset button as you power on the machine in order to boot to the original code.
Example WAV Trigger files
Test / Audit / Settings Adjustment
Credits:Ball-in-play displays will show page number.
00:05 - Sound Test
00:04 - Switch Test
00:03 - Solenoid Test
00:02 - Lamp Test
00:01 - Display Test 00:00 - Reboot <=== pressing the button the first time brings you here. Use up/down toggle to either go to tests or audits
01:00 - High Score
02:00 - Award Score 1
03:00 - Award Score 2
04:00 - Award Score 3
05:00 - Credits
06:00 - Total Plays
07:00 - Total Number of Replays
08:00 - Number of times High Score Beaten
09:00 - Chute 2 Coins
10:00 - Chute 1 Coins
11:00 - Chute 3 Coins
12:00 - Chute 1 Coins per Credit
13:00 - Chute 2 Coins per Credit
14:00 - Chute 3 Coins per Credit
15:00 - Freeplay
16:00 - Ball Save (seconds)
17:00 - Sound Selector
18:00 - Music Volume
19:00 - Sound Effects Volume
20:00 - Callouts Volume
21:00 - Tournament Scoring
22:00 - Award Score Awards (extra ball or credit)
23:00 - Number of Balls
24:00 - Scrolling Scores
25:00 - Extra Ball Award
26:00 - Special Award
27:00 - Goals Until Wizard
28:00 - Wizard Time (seconds)
29:00 - Idle Mode
30:00 - Combos to Finish
31:00 - Spinner Accelerators
32:00 - Allow Reset After Ball 1