Storm 23 is all new code that can run on a Stern Lightning pinball machine (1981). This software requires an Arduino MEGA 2560, so it needs a Rev 3 or greater RPU interface board to connect to the pinball machine’s MPU.
Code and audio files here:
Complete 5 standups (3-7) to qualify lock #1
Complete 2 & 2 (1, 2, 8, and 9) standups to qualify lock #2
Timers will not expire during any multiball
Multiball #1 (2 ball) -
with lock #1 (left saucer), complete loop 3 times without engaging the upper playfield
on 3rd completion, lock #1 is released. (number of completions increases with each multiball)
playfield multiplier is increased by 2 for 30 seconds
loop for jackpot / re/qualified with upper & lower alternation
loop for triple jackpot during saucer hold
top saucer for double jackpot - ejects after 10 seconds (requalify with loop)
+ bonus x available on loop for each drop bank completed
Multiball #2 (2 ball) -
with lock #2 (right saucer), get 50 spins to eject lock #2
playfield multiplier is increased by 2 for 30 seconds
spinner = 5k * playfield multiplier
right saucer for double jackpot - ejects after 10 seconds (re/qualify with loop)
spinner = 10k * playfield multiplier during saucer hold
+ bonus x available on loop for each drop bank completed
Multiball #3 (3 ball) -
With 2 balls locked, hit strobing lamp to start multiball (moves between 9 standups)
all drop targets reset
playfield multiplier is increased by 3 for 45 seconds
landing a saucer = jackpot (holds for 15 seconds)
landing second saucer = super jackpot (holds for 15 seconds)
if two balls are in play and both are in saucers -- add a ball
all drops down during multiball = double jackpot
two balls in saucers and loop = mega jackpot
Jailbreak Multiball -
Knocking a locked ball from saucer
+ Playfield mulitplier for 60 seconds
all standups lit
Timers add together if multiple modes are started at once
Drop Frenzy
Finish bank 1, then 2, then 3 for drop frenzy
30 seconds
+1x playfield
All drops worth 10k and reset 3 seconds after being hit
Drop Jackpot (after completing Drop Frenzy)
After drop frenzy, drops reset
Drop bank 1 has to be hit first. If any of the 1s drops are up, 2s and 3s give no points and reset after 5 seconds
Once 1s are done, 2s can be done
After 3s are completed, player gets a jackpot of 100k
Drop Double Jackpot (after completing Drop Jackpot)
Same rules as drop jackpot except targets reset after 30 seconds and player must start over with 1s
Drop Super & Mega (as above, with less time)
Turnaround / Spinner Alternation (aka Spinner frenzy)
Starts with turnaround (lights spinner)
Spinner lights turnaround
Alternate 3 times (6 hits) for spinner/turnaround frenzy
2.5k per spin
20k per turnaround
30 seconds
+1x playfield
Left inlane - turnaround
Left inlane - spinner
Left inlane - 2s drop
Left to right
right inlane - turnaround
right inlane - 1s drop
right inlane - 2s drop
right to left
3 combos achieved = holdover bonus x
6 combos achieved = holdover bonus
8 combos achieved = double timers
Spinner Value
Unlit = 100
Lit = 1000
Frenzy = 2500
Spinner Multiball = 5000
Spinner Multiball during saucer hold = 10000
Coin Door Tests / Audits / Options
Tests (test number shown in Credits, Ball in Play is blank)
Sounds (not applicable)
Settings & Audits (page number shown in Ball in Play, Credits is blank)
Award Score 1
Award Score 2
Award Score 3
High Score
Total Plays
Total Replays
High Score Beat
Chute 2 Coins
Chute 1 Coins
Chute 3 Coins
Reboot (All displays show 8007 (as in "BOOT"), and Credit/Reset button restarts)
Coins per Credit for Chute 1
Coins per Credit for Chute 2
Coins per Credit for Chute 3
Free Play
Ball Save
Sound Selector
Music Volume
Sound Effects Volume
Callouts Volume
Tournament Scoring
Tilt Warnings
Award Scores (0 = all extra balls, 7 = all specals)
Number of Balls Per Game
Scrolling Scores
Extra Ball Award (for tournament scoring)
Special Award (for tournament scoring)
Credit/Reset hold time for restart (0=immediate, 1, 2, 3 seconds, or 99 for never)
Sound Track 1 or 2
Saucer Eject (1=light, 2=normal, 3=strong)
Multiball Ball Save* (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 seconds)
Spins to Start Spinner Multiball
* Warning: because this machine lacks auto-plunge, multiball ball save will serve a ball into the shooter lane during the ball save period and the player will have no incentive to put that ball into play until they've drained the remaining balls.